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Negatif zamanı Excel'de doğru şekilde nasıl gösterebilirim / gösterebilirim?

Bazılarımız bu sorunu yaşayabilir, daha sonra 12:20 saatini daha önceki bir saatten 10:15 çıkardığınızda, aşağıdaki ekran görüntülerinde gösterildiği gibi sonucu ###### hatası olarak alırsınız. Bu durumda, negatif zamanı Excel'de nasıl doğru ve normal bir şekilde gösterebilirsiniz?


Excel'in Varsayılan Tarih Sistemini değiştirerek negatif zamanı doğru şekilde görüntüleyin

Formüller ile negatif zamanı doğru şekilde görüntüleyin

ok mavi sağ balonExcel'in Varsayılan Tarih Sistemini değiştirerek negatif zamanı doğru şekilde görüntüleyin

Excel'in Varsayılan Tarih Sistemini 1904 tarih sistemine değiştirerek negatif zamanı normal olarak Excel'de görüntülemenin kolay ve hızlı bir yolu. Lütfen şunu yapın:

1. Açmak için Excel Seçenekleri iletişim kutusunu tıklayarak fileto > Opsiyonlar Excel 2010/2013'te ve Ofis düğmesi > Excel Seçenekleri Excel 2007'te.

2. Sonra da Excel Seçenekleri iletişim kutusunu tıklayın gelişmiş sol bölmeden ve sağ bölümde kontrol edin 1904 tarih sistemini kullan altında Bu çalışma kitabını hesaplarken Bölüm. Ekran görüntüsüne bakın:


3. Ayarları tamamladıktan sonra OK. Ve negatif zaman aynı anda doğru şekilde görüntülenecektir, ekran görüntülerine bakın:


ok mavi sağ balonFormüller ile negatif zamanı doğru şekilde görüntüleyin

Tarih sistemini değiştirmek istemiyorsanız, bu görevi çözmek için aşağıdaki formülü de kullanabilirsiniz.

1. Hesaplamak istediğiniz tarihleri ​​girin ve bu formülü girin = METİN (MAKS ($ A $ 1: $ A $ 2) -MIN ($ A $ 1: $ A $ 2), "- H :: MM") (A1 ve A2, iki zaman hücresini ayrı ayrı gösterir) boş bir hücreye. Ekran görüntüsüne bakın:


2. Daha sonra tuşuna basın. Keşfet anahtar ve aşağıda gösterildiği gibi doğru sonucu alacaksınız:



İşte size yardımcı olabilecek başka bir formül: = EĞER (A2-A1 <0, "-" & METİN (ABS (A2-A1), "hh: mm"), A2-A1)

Bu formülde, A2 daha küçük zamanı gösterir ve A1 daha büyük zaman anlamına gelir. Bunları ihtiyaç duyduğunuz şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz.

Excel'de ihtiyacınız olan tüm sayıları pozitif veya negatif olarak değiştirin

Excel'de, pozitif veya negatif dönüştürülmesi gereken, negatif değerler ve pozitif değerlerle karıştırılmış sayıların bir listesi, bu durumda, işi hızlı ve doğru bir şekilde çözmenin en iyi yolu hangi yöntemdir? Değer İşaretini Değiştir yarar Kutools for Excel iyi bir seçim olacak. 30 gün içinde tam özellikli ücretsiz deneme için tıklayın!
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The problem I'm having with this negative time solution - is that the spreadsheet with the negative also has a lot of cells with dates in it, so when I Tick 1904 Date System - This adds 4 years to the dates.... is the only remedy for this to go and manually change all those dates?
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I used the formula =IF(A2-A1<0, "-" & TEXT(ABS(A2-A1),"hh:mm"), A2-A1) to calculate the difference between times and it fixed my problem, so thank you! However, now I have another problem, I need to add together the results. So for example, if I have three different times I need to add up (as a result of the formula): -00:00:05, -00:00:10 and 00:00:03. So 2 negative times and 1 positive in this example. How can I have a formula that will calculate (-00:00:05) + (-00:00:10) + (00:00:03) = -00:00:12?
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Hi, Ayolice, place the positive time in cell E1, and place the negative time in cell E2 and E3, then use this formula =TEXT(MAX($E$1:$E$3)-MIN($E$1:$E$3),"-H::MM:SS")
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Thank You!
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i have a date from someone elses file showing as "20171229" i need it to look like "12/29/2017".. PLEASE HELP!
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Where A1 is the cell containing the date.

The new cell will contain an excel date value for that day,
right click the new cell, and select the date format you want.
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I have a negative time value in a cell, say CQ15. [ i got the value using the above mentioned formula =IF(A2-A1<0, "-" & TEXT(ABS(A2-A1),"hh:mm"), A2-A1) ]

Next, I'm trying to multiply the cell value with 5, ie. CQ15*5.
But not getting any result.
I have tried both the following formulas:
=TEXT(CQ15*5, "[h]:m:ss")
=IF(CQ15*5<0, "-" & TEXT(ABS(CQ15*5),"[h]:m:ss"),CQ15*5)

In both cases, i received #VALUE!

Can anyone please help me with this.
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Couse CQ15 is a text cell. For calculate with it, you must format it as time value.
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thank you so much! You just saved my day!
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I am trying to calculate a negative formula for shift time not fully worked. Say data is as follows: A1 = 07:30 shift start, minus A2 = 1:00 lunch break A3 = 16:30 shift ends Then A4 = 8:00 hours worked during the day. But, should the worker leave earlier, say 17:00, what is the formula in cell A5 that shows how much short the person's shift was?
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[quote]I am trying to calculate a negative formula for shift time not fully worked. Say data is as follows: A1 = 07:30 shift start, minus A2 = 1:00 lunch break A3 = 16:30 shift ends Then A4 = 8:00 hours worked during the day. But, should the worker leave earlier, say 17:00, what is the formula in cell A5 that shows how much short the person's shift was?By Meg[/quote] You can't directly display a negative time in Excel. However, you can display it using the TEXT() function. For example Cell A4 would have =A3-A1-A2 which will display the hours/minutes worked. Cell A5 would have 8:00 which is the number of hours you expect this person to work Cell A6 would have =IF(A5=A4,"Met expected target",IF(A4
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"Tip: Here is another formula also can help you: =IF(A2-A1
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If you switch to 1904 all dates in the workbook change. Not a solution. What is this 1904 thing anyway?
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[quote]If you switch to 1904 all dates in the workbook change. Not a solution. What is this 1904 thing anyway?By Ralf[/quote] The 1904 format comes from Excel version 1.0 which was on the Macintosh. Two years later Microsoft released Excel for Windows and with with that release introduced the "1900" date format. Excel for the Mac continued to default to the 1904 format and Windows defaults to the 1900 format. Both versions can switch to the other format but doing so will cause all dates in a workbook to shift. The year 1900 was special in that though it's divisible by 4 it was not a leap year. The Mac's clock hardware did not have the extra logic needed to handle this special case and so Apple simplified the design by allowing for dates from 1904 (the first leap year in the century) on out. As Excel was first written for the Mac it was natural that Excel would use the Mac's date format. The developers of Excel for Windows used the 1900 format for backwards compatibility with SuperCalc and Lotus 1-2-3 which were the dominate spreadsheet applications in the MS-DOS and Windows markets at the time. The 1904 and 1900 formats are nearly identical. The 1904 format stores dates as the number of days since 1/1/1904 and the 1900 format is the number of days since 1/1/1900. You can convert a 1904 date to a 1900 date by adding 1,462 to a cell's value and subtracting 1,462 to convert the other way. Apparently the developers of Excel for the Mac included code to support negative time values. The coders of Excel for Windows did not support negative time values. Modern versions of Excel still include two separate chunks of code with one dealing with 1904 dates and the other for 1900 dates. They never fixed the 1900 code to support display of negative time values.
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Thanks for the history lesson, Marc. Much clearer now how it came to this. Still leaves me wondering about your last sentence: "They never fixed ..." I don't get it. Would it be so hard to fix? So I still need to use Libre Office for two things: negative times and CSV export. Must be exotic niche features ...
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Hello, any idea of how to do sum of negative hours which are in hh:mm format? for example -01:00 is at A1 column, -02:00 is at A2 column, -03:00 is at A3 column. I used "if" command to sum up the three columns (A1,A2,A3) but showing 0:00 if command "if(A1:A3
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Couldn't you just multiply the numbers by -1 to start, add them up then multiply by -1 again?
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