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Excel'deki hücre değerine göre satırları otomatik olarak nasıl filtreleyebilirim?

Normalde, Excel'deki Filtre işlevi, ihtiyaç duyduğumuz her türlü veriyi filtrelememize yardımcı olabilir, ancak bazen, hücreleri manuel hücre girişine göre otomatik olarak filtrelemek isterim, yani bir hücreye bir kriter girdiğimde, veriler bir defada otomatik olarak filtrelenir. Excel'de bu işin üstesinden gelmek için iyi fikirler var mı?

VBA kodu ile girdiğiniz hücre değerine göre otomatik filtre satırları

Verileri, metin uzunluğu gibi, büyük / küçük harfe duyarlı olarak birden çok ölçüte veya diğer belirli koşullara göre filtreleyin

VBA kodu ile girdiğiniz hücre değerine göre otomatik filtre satırları

Diyelim ki, aşağıdaki veri aralığına sahibim, şimdi, E1 ve E2 hücresine kriterleri girdiğimde, verilerin aşağıda gösterilen ekran görüntüsü gibi otomatik olarak filtrelenmesini istiyorum:

doc otomatik filtre 1

1. Tarihi, girdiğiniz hücre değerine göre otomatik olarak filtrelemek istediğiniz çalışma sayfasına gidin.

2. Sayfa sekmesine sağ tıklayın ve Kodu Görüntüle bağlam menüsünden, açılır pencerede Uygulamalar için Microsoft Visual Basic penceresi, lütfen aşağıdaki kodu boşluğa kopyalayıp yapıştırın modül pencere, ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

VBA kodu: girilen hücre değerine göre otomatik filtre verileri:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice 20160606
   If Target.Address = Range("E2").Address Then
       Range("A1:C20").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("E1:E2")
   End If
End Sub

doc otomatik filtre 2

not: Yukarıdaki kodda, A1: C20 filtrelemek istediğiniz veri aralığınız, E2 temel alarak filtrelemek istediğiniz hedef değerdir ve E1: E2 ölçüt hücreniz temel alınarak filtrelenecek. Bunları ihtiyacınıza göre değiştirebilirsiniz.

3. Şimdi, hücreye kriterleri girerken E1 ve E2 ve basın Keşfet anahtar, verileriniz otomatik olarak hücre değerlerine göre filtrelenecektir.

Verileri, metin uzunluğu gibi, büyük / küçük harfe duyarlı olarak birden çok ölçüte veya diğer belirli koşullara göre filtreleyin

Verileri, metin uzunluğu, büyük / küçük harfe duyarlı vb. Gibi birden çok kritere veya diğer belirli koşullara göre filtreleyin.

Kutools for Excel'S Süper Filtre özellik güçlü bir yardımcı programdır, aşağıdaki işlemleri bitirmek için bu özelliği uygulayabilirsiniz:

  • Verileri birden çok kriterle filtreleyin; Verileri metin uzunluğuna göre filtreleyin;
  • Verileri büyük / küçük harfe göre filtreleyin; Tarihi yıl / ay / Gün / hafta / çeyreğe göre filtrele

Kutools for Excel: 300'den fazla kullanışlı Excel eklentisi ile 30 günde sınırlama olmaksızın ücretsiz deneyin. Hemen indirin ve ücretsiz deneme!

Demo: VBA kodu ile girdiğiniz hücre değerine göre otomatik filtre satırları

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thank you - this code was a life saver

but if I wish to filter when the value on E2 contains the search text.
so if i search for Grade1
it should filter

many thanks in advance
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I scanned through the comments and didn't see a specific answer. I am looking to filter a Table that changes based on a DB query, The table range will change every time the query is refreshed, How can we account for this in the code? The function becomes pointless if I have to direct users edit the VBA code every time they refresh the table.
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Good day,

I have made sheet1 with the table in the example. In sheet2 all the data are referenced to the table in sheet1.

In sheet2 I can choose the grades exactly as in the example. That works OK.

However when I change a Grade of a student in sheet1 the list is not updated in sheet2. So the filter does not work automatic.

How can this be done?
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Hello, is there a way to quickly modify the VBA code to filter on values bigger than in selected cell?
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Hi there,

Thank you for the great content, however I am having some issues and was wondering whether you had any ideas why.

I have adjusted my ranges so my code reads:

Sub AutoFilter()
If Target.Address = Range("E13:F14").Address Then
Worksheets('Data Archive').Range("A1:C20").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("F10:F1048576")
End If
End Sub

However, when I run the macro a "Compile Error: Syntex Error" message appears.

Thank you in advance

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Hello, Stan,
Do you set the data range and criteria range correctly in the code?Or you can take your data range as a screenshot here.
Thank you!
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Thank you very much for this. It worked for me fine to a certain extent, please let me explain:

I have multiple tables in my workbook. When I applied the above code, it only worked for one table, but not for the other two tables. Let's say the first table is, as in your example, from A1:C20. The second table is from A22:C40. The third from A42:C60. All tables have the info about the "Grade", however they have different columns & Date and therefore cannot be consolidated into one big tables but rather 3 smaller tables.

How would the code need to like like so that if I put the criteria: "Grade1", all 3 tables will be automatically filtered for "Grade1" ?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards
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Thank you, for this, it was really helpful. i just have one question, after selected the name in the drop down menu (i have names as criteria), it only shows people with that name, as it should, but how can i do so after i have selected a name, then i want so see all the rows of my table??

hope you can help me out.

kind regards
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Hi, Peter,
This code is worked well for fitering the entire rows of the data, could you enter your table range correctlly?

A1:C20 is the range of your data, E1:E2 is the criteria range.
Range("A1:C20").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("E1:E2")
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Hey guys,
perfect Explanation, thank you very much.
1 Little question: if I want to filter with 2,3 4 or more criterias how do I do this?
For example I want to say I wanna see the Name Henry, with Grade 1 and this not just 1 criteria but for example 3..=?

thanks for the respond

Kind regards,

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Hi, tim,
To auto filter data based on multiple criteria, you should apply the below code: (please change the cell references to your need)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Update by Extendoffice
Dim xVStr As String
Dim xFStr As String
xVStr = "E22:G22" 'the criteria that you want to filter based on
xFStr = "E21:G22" 'the range contains the header of the criteria
If Not (Intersect(Range(xVStr), Target) Is Nothing) Then
Range("A1:C17").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, _
End If
End Sub

Please try, hope it can help you!
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What if I got the filtered data in a different tab(sheet 2) in the same workbook and the cell that the filter needs to refer to is in the first tab(sheet 1). I used this VBA but is not working like that, only if I have both the criteria cell(E2 in this VBA) in the same tab with the filtered data(A1:C20)
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There might be a mistake in the instructions. Instead of pasting the code into a blank Module, one should paste it into the Sheet window. For example, if the macro is to work on Sheet1, the code should be pasted into Microsoft Excel Objects -> Sheet1(Sheet1). Only then it works for me on Excel 2016.

Thanks for the code!
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Hi, mjr,
There is no mistake in this article, the article said, you should put the VBA code into the sheet module by right click the sheet name and then choose View Code to go to the module.
But, your operation is correct as well.
Thank you for your comment.
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