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İmleci Excel'de belirli bir hücreye otomatik olarak nasıl taşıyabilirim?

Bazen, bir amaç için belirli bir hücreye atlamanız gerekebilir. Bu makale, imleci belirli bir hücreye ayrıntılı olarak taşıma yöntemlerini gösterecektir.

İmleci Ad kutusu ile belirli hücreye otomatik taşı
İmleci VBA kodu ile belirli hücreye otomatik taşı

İmleci Ad kutusu ile belirli hücreye otomatik taşı

Ad kutusu, imleci Excel'deki belirli bir hücreye kolayca taşımanıza yardımcı olabilir.

1. içinde Name kutusuna atlayacağınız belirli hücre referansını girin ve ardından Keşfet tuşuna basın.

Ardından imleç hemen belirtilen hücreye gider.

not: Başka bir çalışma sayfasında belirtilen hücreye atlamanız gerekiyorsa, örneğin Sheet30'nin C2 hücresine atlamanız gerekiyorsa, lütfen yazın Sayfa2! C30 Ad kutusuna girin ve ardından Enter tuşuna basın.

İmleci VBA kodu ile belirli hücreye otomatik taşı

Aşağıdaki VBA kodu, Excel'de aynı anda belirli bir hücreye geçmenize yardımcı olur.

1. Basın Ara Toplam + F11 anahtarları aynı anda açmak için Uygulamalar için Microsoft Visual Basic pencere.

2. içinde Uygulamalar için Microsoft Visual Basic pencere, T'ye çift tıklayınonun çalışma kitabı sol bölmede T'yi açmak içinhisWorkbook (Kod) pencere. Ardından aşağıdaki VBA kodunu kopyalayıp pencereye yapıştırın.

VBA kodu: Veri girişi için sonraki satırın başına veya başına git

Sub jumpnext()
End Sub

not: Kodda, F100, atlayacağınız belirtilen hücredir. İhtiyacınız olduğu gibi değiştirebilirsiniz.

3. Tuşuna basın. F5 kodu çalıştırmak için tuşuna basın, ardından imleç geçerli çalışma sayfasındaki F100 hücresine hemen hareket eder.

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Please help me how to code : I want to move down row by row on tthe data already fillter
Current cursor at A6 (fix) because it 's Row Header, I want to move down :
Step 1 : move down to A9
Step 2 : move down to A11
Step 3 : move down to A15
(Do until blank)
Screenshot 2023-11-30 200730
(Please see srceen shot attacked)

Many Thanks
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Sub jumpnext()
End Sub

What chnage do i have to do so this code can be uased on all sheets of the workbook at the same time.

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Hi arvind,

The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try. Thank you.
Note: You need to put the VBA code in the ThisWorkbook (Code) editor.
Sub jumpnext()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230109
Set CurrWS = ActiveSheet
    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
End Sub
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Can you help with the following VBA code request please?

Sheet 1 is named "Master Asset" with a further 100 sheets named as "0001...0002...0003....0004 ~ 0100"

In any of each of the sheets "0001 ~ 0100"
I want to be able to select cell A4 which already contains text "Back to Master Asset" then press enter, to automatically jump back to cell J3 in the "Master Asset"

Thanks in advance.
Andy C.
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Hi Andy Coghlan,
I can't find a way to trigger the macro with the enter key right now. The following VBA code can insert the same hyperlink in A4 of all worksheets at the same time. After clicking the hyperlink in A4, it will jump to J3 in the "Master Asset". Please give it a try.

Sub AddHyperlinks()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220715
    Dim xRg, yRg As Range
    Set xRg = Worksheets("Master Asset").Range("J3")
    xStr = xRg.Address(External:=True)
    For Each Sh In Worksheets
        If Sh.Name <> "Sh.Name" Then
            Set yRg = Sh.Range("A4")
            yRg.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=yRg, Address:="", SubAddress:=xStr, TextToDisplay:="Back to Master Asset"
        End If
End Sub
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Bagiaimana mengisi textbox pada form dengan memilih data di cell/sheet yg dipilih dgn kursor ?
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Hi Lelson,
Sorry I don't understand what you mean. Would you mind providing a screenshot of your data? Or try to be more specific about your question. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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you didn't sign the F5 for teh code, how it is gonna run by pressing F5?
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Is it possible to move the active cell without pressing a key on the keyboard? For example, can I have the cell move down as soon as the cell above it is filled? I am looking for either a function or a VBA to run when a cell is filled. As soon as A3 has characters in it, is there a VBA to move the active cell down to A4?
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Hi John,
I am confused on your question. How can we know if the cell is finish editing?
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Sorry I mean to type "instantly jump to F8"
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Hi James,
Please try the below code. After data has been entered into E6, press the Tab key or the Enter key, and the cursor will jump to F8 instantly.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

'Updated by Extendoffice 2020087

Dim tabArray As Variant

Dim i As Long

tabArray = Array("E6", "F8")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For i = LBound(tabArray) To UBound(tabArray)

If tabArray(i) = Target.Address(0, 0) Then

If i = UBound(tabArray) Then



Me.Range(tabArray(i + 1)).Select

End If

End If

Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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How would I have the cursor move from Cell E6 to F8 once data has been entered into E6? I would like the cursor to ignore all the other lines in the E column and instantly jump to E6.
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That's helpful thanks. However I would like to have a formula as the argument for the 'Range' function. Is this permissible? What I would like to do is have the user enter a number in a dialog box, then search for the first occurrence of that number in a range of cells, and then jump the cursor to that cell...
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Hi Steve,
Sorry can't help you with that.
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I'd like to make a macro that moves from one cell to the next, step by step.
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