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Excel'de 24 saatin üzerindeki süreler nasıl eklenir veya toplanır?

Normalde, Excel'de zaman eklerken veya toplarken, son hesaplanan sonucu gösterilen sol ekran görüntüsü gibi 24 saat içinde alırsınız. Gerçek sonucu görüntülemek için 24 saatten fazla zaman eklemeye veya toplamaya ne dersiniz? Bu makale size yardımcı olabilir.

Sonuç hücresinin biçimini değiştirerek 24 saatin üzerindeki süreleri ekleyin veya toplayın

Sonuç hücresinin biçimini değiştirerek 24 saatin üzerindeki süreleri ekleyin veya toplayın

Bunu başarmak için sonuç hücresinin formatını değiştirmeniz yeterlidir. Lütfen aşağıdaki işlemleri yapın.

1. Zamanları topladıktan sonra, sonuç hücresini seçip sağ tıklayın ve ardından şunu seçin: biçim Hücreler sağ tıklama menüsünden. Ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

2. içinde biçim Hücreler iletişim kutusuna gidin ve Numara sekmesini seçin görenek içinde Kategoriler kutu, sonra girin [HH]: MM or [HH]: MM: SS içine Tip kutusunu seçin ve son olarak OK buton. Ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

Şimdi, toplama sürelerinin sonucu, aşağıda gösterilen ekran görüntüsü gibi 24 saat boyunca görüntülenir.

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Comments (15)
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I have these 2 time stamps. the sum of working hours is over 24h.

11/1/2023 7:33:46
11/2/2023 8:55:07

To calculate total hours I use formula: WORKDAY(F1,H1)+MOD(H1-F1,-1) but then if it is over 24h it calculates as 1:21:21

Any help to fix this is appriciated :)
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Can anyone please explain what ;@ added to a custom time format does to the format?
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It works... Thanks
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Kindly help me total up times for my Log Book. The monthly hours need to be added upto the totals. Monthly hours go upto a maximum of 90:00 hrs and Total is in the 10s of Thousands. Eg 14928:22.
Please help
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Hi Philip Cherian,
The method in this post can also help to solve the problem you mentioned.
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Danke für den Hinweis. :-)Thank you so much!
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Hey there, I am a beginner Excel user. I am trying to understand the use of double quotation mark for duration of time in formulas. Double quotation converts the numbers to text, right? But I am able to use it and it says as numbers in this formula; let's say there is 20:00:00, and I want to substract this from 30 hours. My formula would be ="30:00:00"-A2 and it works perfect! So here double quotation doesn't convert it to text. However, when I use double quotation in an IF formula inside a calculated field in pivottable, it doesn't work. For example: =IF('Field 1'>="1:00:00",1,0) Could you please explain and help me understand why I can not use double quotation in the if formula but I can use it when I substract it? I have been trying to understand this for 3 days... Going crazy. Thanks al lot...
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hello my question is if i want to all time values in a specific cell and to restrict if time value is more than 24:00:00 then show dialog box error alert message etc Please any one help me...
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Format to [h]:mm;@

It worked for me... took a while though!
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What would you use if you had to sum these? I just need the total hours but am unable to find a solution. Ideas?












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this is my problem to!
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Good day,
Sorry can't help you with that.
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Thank you!!
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And it save my problem also. So easy when you know how! :-)
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