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İlk sıfır olmayan değer nasıl aranır ve Excel'de karşılık gelen sütun başlığını döndürür?

Diyelim ki, bir dizi veriniz var, şimdi, ilk sıfır olmayan değerin aşağıdaki ekran görüntüsü gibi oluştuğu satırdaki sütun başlığını döndürmek istiyorsunuz, bu makale, bu görevi yerine getirmeniz için yararlı bir formül sunacağım Excel'de.

doc araması ilk sıfır olmayan 1

İlk sıfır olmayan değeri arayın ve karşılık gelen sütun başlığını formülle döndürün

ok mavi sağ balon İlk sıfır olmayan değeri arayın ve karşılık gelen sütun başlığını formülle döndürün

Bir satırdaki ilk sıfır olmayan değerin sütun başlığını döndürmek için aşağıdaki formül size yardımcı olabilir, lütfen şunu yapın:

Şu formülü girin: =INDEX($B$1:$I$1,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(B2:I2<>0,),0)) sonucu bulmak istediğiniz boş bir hücreye, K2, örneğin, ve sonra doldurma tutamacını bu formülü uygulamak istediğiniz hücrelere sürükleyin ve ilk sıfır olmayan değerin tüm ilgili sütun başlıkları gösterilen aşağıdaki ekran görüntüsü gibi döndürülür:

doc araması ilk sıfır olmayan 2

not: Yukarıdaki formülde, B1: I1 döndürmek istediğiniz sütun başlıklarıdır, B2: I2 sıfır olmayan ilk değeri aramak istediğiniz satır verileridir.

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Hello, my problem is: a have value 1,2,3,4,...50 that are the number of month. How to denormalize month into real datum. Thank you in advance a lot!!!
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Does anyone know what you would do if your cell that contains a zero has a formula in it? When I use this formula, I end up with whatever the first column header is regardless of whether it is zero or not.
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E como faço pra procurar o primeiro valor diferente de zero da esquerda pra direita?
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Hello, Matheus
If you want to return the first non-zero value from a row, please apply the below formula:
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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What if you needed the last non-zero value in an array?

P.S. This was really helpful, thank you so much!
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Hello, Ali,
To get the column header based on the last non-zero value, please apply the below formula, see screenshot:
Please remember to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter key together.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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The formula is super helpful and helped me sorted out the situation! Thanks!!! Is there any chance you may please help to also explain how it works?
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How do you look up for the second,third and fourth non-zero value?
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Hello, Robert,
To lookup the second, third or fourth non-zero values and return their columns, please apply the below formula: (After pasting the formula, please press Ctr + Shift + Enter keys together.)
=INDEX($B$1:$I$1,SMALL(IF(B2:I2<>0, COLUMN(B2:I2)-COLUMN(A2)),2))

Note: To extract the third or fourth result, you just need to change the number 2 to 3,4 as you need.

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Hello Priya,I am glad to help. I will separate the formula = INDEX($B$1:$I$1,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(B2:I2<>0,),0)) into 3 parts, and explain the formula to you step by step.
First, let us see the inner-most formula =INDEX(B2:I2<>0,). This formula returns an array of TRUE and FALSE whether the values of range B2:I2 are equal to 0. Please see the screenshot 1, formula =INDEX(B2:I2<>0,) returns {FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE}.
Second, =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(B2:I2<>0,),0) =MATCH(TRUE, {FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE}, 0). It returns the position of the first value "TRUE", while 0 in the formula means an exact match. We can see that the first value "TRUE" occurs at the 5th position of the array. Then the second formula returns 5. See the screenshot 2.
Finally,  =INDEX(B1:I1,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(B2:I2<>0,),0))=INDEX(B1:I1,5). It returns the 5th value of the array B1:I1. We can see in the screenshot that the value is "May". So the final formula returns "May". 
PS: To drag the fill handle down the formula to get the rest of the results, we must make the range B1:I1 absolute. So we add $ to range B1:I1 to keep it absolute. 
Hope my explanation can solve your puzzle. Have a nice day.
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Thank you Mandy for illustrating it in detail.
Kindly guide how to get the last non zero value from same formula instead of first non zero value.
Will Match work for that or not?
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Hi MandyZhou,

Thank you for the explanation!
I have a follow-up question.
How would the formula change if you had to look up the year too?
So in the above example, let's assume that column J is 'Year' and that in cell J2 is written '2015'.
And in cell K2 I would need the column header for the first non-zero value of the year in L2 (year 2015, so I would need to find 'Jun' in cell K2).

Thanks in advance for your help!
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How can I return the second and third, etc non zero value? Your formula is amazing but I am trying to search more keywords from a text so sometimes they are 2 or 3 in the same sentence
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se volessi "l'ultimo" Valore Diverso Da Zero E Restituire L'intestazione Della Colonna Corrispondente Con La Formula?
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