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 Excel'de maksimum ardışık pozitif / negatif sayı sayısını nasıl hesaplayabilirim?

Pozitif ve negatif sayılarla karışan bir veri listeniz varsa ve şimdi, ardışık pozitif ve negatif sayıların maksimum sayısını gösterilen aşağıdaki ekran görüntüsü gibi saymak istiyorsanız, Excel'de bu görevle nasıl başa çıkabilirsiniz?

Dizi formülleriyle maksimum ardışık pozitif ve negatif sayıları sayın

Dizi formülleriyle maksimum ardışık pozitif ve negatif sayıları sayın



Ardışık pozitif ve negatif sayıların maksimum sayısını elde etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki dizi formüllerini uygulayın:

Ardışık pozitif sayıların maksimum sayısını sayın:

Bu formülü, sonucu almak istediğiniz hücreye girin:

=MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(A2:A20>0,ROW(A2:A20)),IF(A2:A20<=0,ROW(A2:A20))))tuşuna basın ve ardından tuşuna basın. Ctrl + Üst Karakter + Enter anahtarları bir araya getirirseniz, ihtiyacınız olan doğru sonucu alırsınız, ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

Ardışık negatif sayıların maksimum sayısını sayın:

Bu formülü, sonucu almak istediğiniz hücreye girin:

=MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(A2:A20<0,ROW(A2:A20)),IF(A2:A20>=0,ROW(A2:A20))))tuşuna basın ve ardından tuşuna basın. Ctrl + Üst Karakter + Enter aynı anda anahtarlar ve sonucu ihtiyacınız olduğu kadar alacaksınız, ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

not: Yukarıdaki formüllerde, A2: A20 kullanmak istediğiniz hücre aralığının listesidir.


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Comments (20)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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I have a data like above. I have applied the formula that you have suggested. It was working fine. Answer was 7.

But now my requirement is this formula should consider only the last 10 cells from the formula applied cells. and the answer should come as 6.
Is it Possible.
Please suggest a way
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This was very useful. Thank You very much !!
A question, what if in the data array I want to ignore blanks or zeros. Like the if the next number after blank or zero is positive it should add in frequency

Thanks for your help
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Hello, Naveen
To solve your problem, please try the below formula:

After copying and pasting the formula, please remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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안녕하세요. 감사합니다. 데이터 필터된 상황의 경우에도 연속 손실이나 이익 수를 계산할 수 있는지 궁금합니다. 그리고 데이터 필터된 상횡의 평균 연속손실 수를 계산하는 방법은 있습니까?
Rated 5 out of 5
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Wonderful, thank you! I'm using your formula now, but I have a question: Is there any way to further filter the data so that it only counts consecutive positive/negative cells IF they share a value in a different column? For example, if, using your example above, in Column B (next to your Number List in Column A) the cells were filled with either the letter 'A' or 'B' in random order, what formula would you use to determine the max number of positive cells that are ALSO consecutive A's in Column B?
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It's amazing, just wondering if there a way to highlight consecutives?
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I get an #Value output if there are only a streak of positive numbers only. Also, I get the same error, if there is only negative streak of numbers. It works fine when there are at least 1 positive and at least 1 negative number on the column. Does anybody knows how to fix this issue. I am using open office.Which uses the same commands, except for the " ; " instead of " , " as a separator.
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Hello, Pablo,
The formulas work well in my wotksheet when there are a list of positive or negative numbers, do you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the result?
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Tank you for this post.I'm trying to get the average number of consecutive negative number from a row.I've been trying to do it myself but I can't figure it out.
Would you mind helping me ?
Thanks !
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So, usefull context. I was jus making a video for my Youtube Channel. When i googeled some key word, i came across with your formula. First of all, thank you. And secondly i will give reference to this website for the formulas explanation. I have not so many subscriber, but it may give your website a littele bit more traffic. Thank you and have nice day.
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Hi, thank you very much for the information! It's very useful :) I wondering if is posible to add up the Max Number of consecutive negatives? I will apreciate a lot if you can help me. Thank you!!
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Hi, Joan,
To solve your problem, please do with the following array formula:

Sum max number of consecutive positive numbers: (Note: D2 is the cell of the consecutive positive numbers you have counted by the using the formula in this article, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together)

Sum max number of consecutive negative numbers: (Note: E2 is the cell of the consecutive negative numbers you have counted by the using the formula in this article, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together)

Please try, hope it can help you!
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how do you count consecutive occurrences of two different values or numbers
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