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Excel'de bir boşluğa ulaşılıncaya kadar bir hücrede sağdan sola karakterleri nasıl çeker veya çıkarırım?

Bu makale, Excel çalışma sayfasında aşağıdaki sonucu almak için bir boşluğa ulaşılıncaya kadar karakterleri doğrudan bir hücreden çekmek veya çıkarmak hakkında konuşacaktır. Bu makaledeki faydalı bir formül bu işi hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde çözebilir.

Formülle bir boşluğa ulaşılıncaya kadar bir hücrede sağdan karakterleri çekin veya çıkarın

Formülle bir boşluğa ulaşılıncaya kadar bir hücrede sağdan karakterleri çekin veya çıkarın

İşte basit bir formül, karakterleri hücreden bir boşluk oluşana kadar çıkarmanıza yardımcı olabilir, lütfen şu şekilde yapın:

Şu formülü girin: = KIRP (SAĞ (YEDEK (A2, "", TEKRAR ("", 255)), 255)) Sonucu almak istediğiniz boş bir hücreye yerleştirin ve ardından doldurma tutamacını bu formülü doldurmak istediğiniz hücrelere sürükleyin ve ilk boşlukla tanışırken hücrelerin sağındaki tüm karakterler aynı anda çıkarılır, ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

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This is a nice piece of formula,
I took liberty to change it and it worked for me.

Considering your data between two spaces is not more than 20 characters and you need data between spaces try this.

Original Formula for last space to end
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",REPT(" ",255)),255))

Between 2nd last space and last space
=TRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(C1," ",REPT(" ",25)),50),25))

Between 3rd last space and 2nd last space

=TRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(C1," ",REPT(" ",25)),50),25))
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si, solo tienes que cambiar el numero en negrella a 2 de la formula "=EXTRAE(A5;ENCONTRAR("@";SUSTITUIR(A5;" ";"@";LARGO(A5)-LARGO(SUSTITUIR(A5;" ";""))-1))+1;100)"
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Hi, thanks so much for the help! Is there any way to do the same thing, but to pull out text from right to left until the THIRD space? It would save my life!!!!
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Hello, santos
To extract the text from right to left until the THIRD space, please apply the below formula:
=IF((LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))<3, A1, RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("/", SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","/", (LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))-2)))))

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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I am using a similar formula =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(F7," ",REPT(" ",255)),255)) which is copying the word to G7, however I would like it to remove the word from F7. Are you able to assist me with what I need to adjust in my formula?
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This is a great formula. I would love to understand the individual parts a bit better. Could someone provide a bit of a summary as to what each part is doing?
TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",REPT(" ",255)),255))
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Explanation of TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",REPT(" ",255)),255))

TLDR: pad the space before the last character(s) on the right with 255 spaces, extract 255 characters from the right, then trim the space characters, leaving the desired non-text characters.

Long explanation:
1. REPT (Repeat) is adding 255 space characters. WHY? These added spaces will be inserted by SUBSTITUE.
2. SUBSTITUTE is replacing each space characters with 255 spaces (provided by REPT). WHY? This causes a cell to contain the desired characters on the right, plus 255 space characters to the left of the desired cell characters; this will be exploited by the RIGHT extraction function.
3. RIGHT is extracting the first 255 characters from the right. WHY? This extracts the desired characters on the right plus the added space characters (up to 255 characters) inserted by SUBSTITUTE.
4. TRIM is removing all space characters. WHY? This leaves only the desired characters on the right.

Caveat: This formula only works so long as the desired right text characters are <=255 characters. If the desired right text characters are >256, then the RIGHT function will miss the characters over 255.
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I had to put a Trim(A2) into mine as I had trailing blanks - otherwise works great.
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Is there a way to extract and the result be read as a number? I am extracting the number part of an exported column that excel is reading as text. Thanks!
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Hello, Russell,
If you need the result as number format, you should copy and paste the formula cells into other cells as values, and then convert the text format number to real number.
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thanks a lot
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This formula worked perfectly:
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",REPT(" ",255)),255))

Is there any way to do the same thing, but to pullout text from right to left untill the SECOND space?
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Hi, Paulius,
To extract the text from right to left until the second space, you should apply the below formula:
=MID(A2,FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","@",LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))-1))+1,100)

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank You it worked perfectly
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Thank you so much! Saved me a ton of time!
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This is close to what I need help with so I'm hoping someone can help. I need to pull over 20 characters or until the next space. how can I modify the formulas above to do that?
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