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Excel'deki başka bir hücre rengine eşit hücre rengi nasıl ayarlanır?

Bir hücre rengini diğeriyle eşleştirmek istiyorsanız, bu makaledeki bir yöntem size yardımcı olabilir.

VBA kodu ile hücre rengini başka bir hücre rengine eşit ayarlayın

VBA kodu ile hücre rengini başka bir hücre rengine eşit ayarlayın

Aşağıdaki VBA yöntemi, Excel'de bir hücre rengini diğerine eşit ayarlamanıza yardımcı olabilir. Lütfen aşağıdaki işlemleri yapın.

1. Çalışma sayfasında iki hücrenin rengini eşleştirmeniz gerekir, lütfen sayfa sekmesine sağ tıklayın ve ardından Kodu Görüntüle sağ tıklama menüsünden. Ekran görüntüsüne bakın:

2. Açılışta Uygulamalar için Microsoft Visual Basic penceresinde, VBA kodunu Kod penceresine kopyalayıp yapıştırmanız gerekir.

VBA kodu: Hücre rengini başka bir hücre rengine eşit olarak ayarlayın

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Me.Range("C1").Interior.Color = Me.Range("A1").Interior.Color
End Sub

not: Kodda A1, hücrenin C1 ile eşleştireceğiniz dolgu rengini içerdiğini gösterir. Lütfen ihtiyaçlarınıza göre değiştirin.

Daha sonra C1 hücresi, aşağıda gösterilen ekran görüntüsü gibi A1 hücresinin aynı rengiyle doldurulur.

Şu andan itibaren, A1'deki dolgu rengi değiştiğinde, C1 aynı renkle otomatik olarak eşleştirilecektir.

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не работает ваш код

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("C1").Interior.Color = Me.Range("A1").Interior.Color
End Sub

после его добавления, при смене цвета в ячейке С1, он изменяется на тот цвет, который был
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Hi, I am trying to change come cells to match another that have been conditionally formatted. Your code 
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("C1").Interior.Color = Me.Range("A1").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Sub
I adapted to
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("A2:C2").Interior.Color = Me.Range("D2").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Sub

This works fine for just one row.  How do I get this to work in all of the rows I need?  If I repeat the code with the next row
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("A3:C3").Interior.Color = Me.Range("D3").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Sub

Then I get a Compile error: Ambiguous name detected: Worksheet_SelectionChange
I tried having the code asPrivate Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("A2:C10").Interior.Color = Me.Range("D2:D10").DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorEnd Sub

But all the rows just filled black rather than the colours required.  What coding do I need?
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Hi -- I'm having a difficult time using your code. I'm trying to do exactly what you're saying. Make one cell be the same color as another cell (without any values necessary) on the same sheet. Is there something in that code that should be adjusted?
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I've attached a screen shot of the file Im working on - I don't seem to be able to upload a .xlsm file? In this file I have used the original VBA from this thread and can now match the conditionally formatted colour of cell A10 in D10. How can I get this to work on a range of cells? I would like to get the colour of the range of cells A10:A200 to transfer over to D10:D200. Can anyone help please? There is a drop down list in use in the A column but once we have placed an order we need to be able to over type the purchase order number. The items in the list are all set to conditionally format to a colour (eg ORDER OK turns cell green, CLIENT TBC turns cell yellow) but the colour goes blank once the PO has been put in.
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image didn't upload - hopefully attached now....
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Wow - this is great. I hope you can help me adapt your script to my needs. I need to make cells D10:D200 match the conditionally formatted colour of cells A10:A200 - can you help me to get this working please. The cells are all in the same worksheet.
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As Chris I am interested in copying the background color from another worksheet?
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I found your code to 'set cell color to equal to another cell color" and it works when I am using it on the same worksheet ( ex from cell A1 to cell A2). I am wondering if there is a way to have this same functionality from another worksheet (ex to copy cell color from sheet1!A1 to sheet2!A1? Any help you could offer would be appreciated!
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This is a good start to what I am looking to do. But I am looking for something a bit more complicated

How could I adapt this to apply to multiple rows and a range. For instance I have a header column in Column B, I want cells from G to CS to match the colour of the header row but only is they have something in them ie the letter x. I know I can write an IF and THEN statement but how would I apply it to multiple Rows without writing a code for each row.
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Hi Zack,
Sorry can't help you with that. Any question about Excel, please don’t hesitate to post in our forum:
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hi , how to apply the same VBA but on a range of cells for example :

i want to have the same color of range (C8:X8) to be apply on the range (S16:AL16) one by one in the same order (S16 get the color of C16 , T16 get the color of D8 ....etc)
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Good day,

The below VBA code can help you solving the problem. Thanks for your comment.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xSRg, xDRg, xISRg, xIDRg As Range
Dim xFNum As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set xSRg = Range("C8:X8")
Set xDRg = Range("S16:AL16")
For xFNum = 1 To xSRg.count
Set xISRg = xSRg.Item(xFNum)
Set xIDRg = xDRg.Item(xFNum)
xIDRg.Interior.Color = xISRg.Interior.Color
Next xFNum
End Sub
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I am trying to do similar, but I have two spreadsheets (files). Spreadsheet 1 is the Master where the data is manually updated and file (spreadsheet 2) is equalling the data in the same cell as spreadsheet 1. When I open spreadsheet 2, I get a prompt to refresh with spreadsheet 1 no promlems, but if the colour of the cell is changed in spreadsheet 1 it does not update in spreadsheet 2, neither does 'strike-trough' of please?
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Hi, the cell being referenced for colour changes colour based on conditional formatting. The above doesn't seem to work with that and the destination cells are staying blank. How can this be corrected? Thanks
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If you have Excel 2010 or later you can use the DisplayFormat function to return the color of a conditionally formatted cell. See below:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Me.Range("C1").Interior.Color = Me.Range("A1").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Sub
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AMAZING... I should have read the comments sooner as I have been struggling for a while to figure this out.
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Hi,Would please write a code to apply conditional formatting from a colum of data to the next column?In colum A, I have a series of data from A1 to A1000 including conditional formatting which applies color in some of the cells. I need to apply those colors to the values in the next column B1 to B1000.
very much appreciated.
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Hi, would it be possible to extend this to a conditional formatting; not to match a color created by conditional format, but if a conditional format condition is matched, that the applied conditional format takes on the color of a specific cell. Trying to use this in a gantt chart, colouring the days between start and end date, but the conditional format that generates the gantt bars, should take the color of the cell that contains the Task (which I set manually)
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can this be done on range of cells or just for a single cell?
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LP you are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!i was trying for the longest time to get cells to match the conditional formatting background color! you are a lifesaver!!!
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I have the same problem. Works on cells without conditional formatting but doesn't with those that do
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